Press Photos / Pressefotos

In this site we provide some of the panels and some of the used fotos of the exhibition for media coverage. These pictures are free to use as far as they are used in the context of media coverage on the projekt „The Third World in World War II“.

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Panel with title of the exhibition
(Source: recherche international e.V.)

African soldiers of the British colonial Army
(Source: Imperial War Museum, London)

1939: Colonial soldiers from Africa in French trenches
 (Source: S.I.R.P.A., France)

August 1944: Local porters for the Allies at the front-line in the mountains of New Guinea
(Source: National Archives, U.S. Army Signal Corps)

Colonial soldiers from Africa in winter 1944 in Northern France
(Source: S.I.R.P.A., France)

North Pacific 1944: Chamorro woman after the liberation of Guam from Japanese occupation
(Source: National Archives, U.S. Marine Corps)

Alice Cherki, writer, psychiatrist and victim of the anti-Semitic laws inforced in Algeria by the French collaborators of the Vichy-Regime.
Listening station 10 of the exhibition. 
(Source: recherche international e.V.)

Hwang Kum-Ju, South Corea, was abducted and abused by the Japanese Military at the age of 19.
Listening station 5 of the exhibition.
(Source: recherche international e.V.)

Biuku Gasa, local scout for the Allies on the Solomon Islands, saved the live of John F. Kennedy:
„Without me, there would have been no US president John F. Kennedy“.
Listening station 9 of the exhibition.
(Source: recherche international e.V.)

Video I with the title „Forgotten Liberators“ shows 200 portraits of men and women from third world countries, who fought against the facist powers in WWII
(Source: recherche international e.V.)

Photos from South Africa:

May 1940: Recruting of Cape Corps voluteers
(Source: Department of Defence Documentation Centre, Pretoria)

Training of soldiers of the Cape Corps
(Source: Department of Defence Documentation Centre, Pretoria)

Preparation of soldiers from South Africa for attacs with poison gas by Italian troops in Ethiopia
(Source: Department of Defence Documentation Centre, Pretoria)

Preparation of soldiers from South Africa for attacs with poison gas by Italian troops in Ethiopia
(Source: Department of Defence Documentation Centre, Pretoria)

Wheet for the Allied troops loaded on ships in a South African harbour
(Source: Department of Defence Documentation Centre, Pretoria)

The 6. South African transport division in Italy
(Source: Department of Defence Documentation Centre, Pretoria)

Prisoners of war from South Africa in the North African desert
(Source: Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Germany

South African troops on their way to Madagascar
(Source: Department of Defence Documentation Centre, Pretoria)

The Guardian, 10.11.1941: Soldiers demand post-war security

The 6. South African transport division in Italy
(Source: Department of Defence Documentation Centre, Pretoria)

South African Field Marshal Jan Christian Smuts talking to black solidiers in North Africa
(Source: Department of Defence Documentation Centre, Pretoria)

WWII veteran Paul Stevens in front of the Ex-Servicemen’s Club in Cape Town
(Source: recherche international e.V.)

WWII veterans from Soweto
(Source: recherche international e.V.)

Die 3. Welt im 2. Weltkrieg